Every Mind Matters
Life at times can be extremely tough and can present numerous difficulties and challenges for us to overcome. Our all-round well-being can be impacted by these challenges and we want you to know that your mental health and well-being is important to us and important to God.
If you are struggling in any area of your mental health, whether it be depression, anxiety or any of the illnesses and disorders that this can lead to, then you do not need to struggle alone. We are here for you and would love to be able to chat with you, where we can provide a listening ear and the opportunity to pray with you as well as helping you to access professional help and support if this is needed.
If you would like to speak to the youth team then please fill out this super quick form so we can get back in touch with you to arrange a conversation.
Also, why not check out some of these sites:
For anything else we can help with, just get in touch!
Or connect with us on social media