Pray for the Strengthening of the Spirit

‘I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.’ Ephesians 3:16

There are times when we feel spiritually weak and recognise our need for strength to walk in God's ways, to please Him, and to resist temptation and evil. The good news is that God’s strength is not only available but also eagerly given to us. Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians reminds us that God desires to strengthen us with power through His Spirit in our inner being.

Remember that Paul was writing to believers in Ephesus and the surrounding region, who had formerly been subject to spiritual powers that had enslaved them. They would have still been very much aware of the battle in the heavenly places. Having prayed for a revelation of God’s power, Paul now prays for its manifestation. It’s one thing to have access to God’s power, and another to experience it in our lives. This is why prayer is essential.

First, we pray to a Father who is both willing and able to provide spiritual strength ‘out of His glorious riches.’ God’s resources are limitless, and He is more than capable of answering our prayers from His inexhaustible supply.

Second, note that the Father will strengthen us in our ‘inner being’. This highlights the important point that there is far more to us than just our physical bodies. There is an inward part of us, a spiritual dimension to our lives.

Third, Paul prays that we may be strengthened ‘with power through His Spirit.’ This prayer is for an experiential encounter with the Holy Spirit, not just a theoretical understanding. It’s crucial to experience this power in our daily lives.

Paul’s prayers for the Ephesians were meant to lead to a real difference in their experience. He encourages all believers to engage in prayer, as seen in Ephesians 6:18: ‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.’ The prayers found in chapters 1 and 3, are great prayers to pray for revelation and strengthening. There’s also the ancient prayer that many find helpful to pray today, and it’s simply this, ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’


by Simeon Appadoo



“When we feel spiritually weak, it is not a sign of failure but an invitation to tap into the boundless resources of God’s Spirit. His strength is made perfect in our weakness, offering us the power to overcome and thrive.”

– J.I. Packer - theologian and author


Prayer points

    • Regardless of how we feel or appear today, let’s come before the Lord and take a moment to acknowledge that His strength is the strength that truly matters. God is not withholding His strength from us; He offers it generously.
    • Bless our church family to experience the Holy Spirit in ways that go beyond theoretical understanding – that these encounters would be transformative.
    • Let’s join with the ancient, timeless prayer, as we cry ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come afresh on our hearts, come afresh on our church, come afresh on our nation, come afresh on our world.’