Pray to Know the Hope of our Calling

‘I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.’ Ephesians 1:18

We all need hope. The apostle Paul recognised the importance of hope. Having first prayed that the Spirit would help us know God better, he then prayed for us to be enlightened so that we might know how much God has blessed us and planned for us. In particular, he prayed that we would know the HOPE of His calling.

Biblical hope is not the vague, semi-optimistic type of hope, epitomised by the term, “I hope so!” Rather, this hope can be translated as a confident expectation for the future – a hope that is based on something solid and sure, concerning God’s plan to unite the whole redeemed cosmos in and through Christ (see Ephesians 1:9-10).

But it is one thing for us to have reasons for hope; it is another to actually know this so that it affects the way we think and live. The fact that our hope is not based on our optimistic outlook but on God’s calling on our lives is hugely reassuring. The ‘calling’ refers back to God’s plan, which stretches back to eternity past. His calling includes the fact that He chose us in Christ before the creation of the world and that He predestined us to be adopted as His children.

Right now, you and other believers around you may be facing tough, temporary circumstances, and you are not sure what the outcome will be. Yet you can be filled with a great hope, knowing that your future is based on His calling and that His calling will never fade or fail. Even in the middle of trials, you can experience great joy because you know that despite the battle, the ultimate war has been won, and we will enjoy the eternal rewards of His victory for us and in us. This is all true, and yet Paul knew that we need help to know this.

So, he prayed, as we must pray – both for ourselves and others – that the Spirit of wisdom and revelation would flood our innermost being with light so that we might see the hope of our calling and that this might change the way we view the future.


by Josh Gardiner



“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

– Bishop Desmond Tutu


Prayer points

    • Take time today to pray this wonderful prayer over ourselves and others. As we continue praying this way, let’s expect hearts to be enlightened to know the hope of His calling.
    • Bring your VIPs (Very Important People to God) before the Lord and pray for them to receive this true hope – to know the truth that they are chosen and that God crafted a plan and purpose for them before the creation of the world! Click here to watch Josh Gardiner’s video on how to pray for your VIPs.
    • Pray for Christians around the world who are facing extreme levels of persecution. Bless them with power and courage to continue living in the glory of His eternal hope. (Click here to access further resources developed by Open Doors to help you as you pray.)