DAY 14
Giving Him All the Glory

‘…to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.’ Ephesians 3:21

If you have ever been overawed by a stunning painting, poem, or play, and silently thanked the painter, poet, or playwright, you were in some way giving glory to the creator of that work. In the same way, we, as God’s people, are to live in such a way that our whole lives give glory to God, who is both the One who created us and re-created us in Christ. This is the point that Paul is making here at the close of this prayer and the stunning first half of his letter to the Ephesians.

The ultimate goal of all that Paul has said in these three chapters, and the end result of his prayers being answered, is that glory goes to God. This takes us right back to Ephesians 1:3, where Paul starts the whole letter by blessing God the Father for having blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He frequently reminds his hearers why God has so blessed us: it is ultimately not just for our good (although it certainly is for our good), but it is ‘to the praise of God’s glorious grace’ and for ‘the praise of His glory’. Paul ends this prayer in Ephesians 3 by reminding his hearers that the goal of us being strengthened by the Spirit, indwelt by Christ, established in His love, and filled with God’s fullness, is that all the glory goes back to God!

Moreover, this glory is something that will rebound to Him, not just in this life and in this age, but throughout all generations, forever and ever. This is such a helpful reminder that our salvation is ultimately not just about us being blessed, but about God Himself being glorified. This has been recognised throughout the ages. The highly influential Westminster Confession of Faith in 1646 stated that ‘the chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever’. If we are to glorify God, then we must enjoy Him and be satisfied in Him. As we do so, it will ultimately be for our good and for His glory. Finally, we must note that this glory goes to God ‘throughout all generations’ (that is, in history) and ‘for ever and ever’ (that is, in eternity).


by Simon Benn



“When we glorify God, we declare that He is worthy of our deepest adoration and our highest praise, not only in what we say but in how we live our lives.”

– C.J. Mahaney - pastor and author


Prayer points

    • Let’s take some time to enjoy God as we come before Him today. Delight in His nature, His goodness, His mercy, His power, His love, His grace, His creativity – the list is endless!
    • Let’s get specific: bring a particular situation, a friend or family member, or a heartfelt concern before the Lord. Let’s surrender any personal expectations for outcomes and instead focus on seeking His glory and goodness in each of these matters.
    • Let’s pray for our Church and our Nation, asking that God’s name would be honoured and that He would be glorified throughout our communities and across the land. Pray for His presence and influence to be evident in every aspect of our lives.