DAY 20
Worship and the Glory of God
The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: ‘He is good; his love endures for ever’.
– 2 Chronicles 5:13
Before the glory of the Lord filled the temple, there was united worship. The worship team of the day was made up of the Levite tribe. Here we see them beginning to play cymbals, harps and lyres, and are accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets.
In the last 2 weeks we have joined with the nation, and the nations of the world in giving thanks for the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. As part of these moving events, we have seen, at various points, ceremonial fanfares to herald the announcement of our new King, Charles III. There is something incredibly powerful about a royal fanfare. Watching the eight royal trumpeters exiting the windows of St James’s Palace as part of the ceremonies on Saturday 10 September was a reminder of this story. There is nothing discreet about these fanfares - they are deliberately arresting and intend to grab the attention of everyone nearby. Imagine then, the volume produced and sense of occasion when 120 unified trumpets sounded to mark the consecration of the Temple.
Following the fanfare, we read that the singers raised their voices in praising God for His goodness and enduring love. How apt that the same song the Lord commanded the armies to sing on the battlefields and around the walls of Jericho, is the same song that also precedes the filling of the Temple.
Daily devotional
by Athina Gibbons
- As you worship Him today, RAISE your voice – allow your praise to rise up. Find a time and space today where you can be unhindered in your expression of worship. Make your worship LOUD today, as a reflection of all that the Lord has done for you. Let the world know, let the devil know, let God know that He is King of your heart. Be bold and free from fear in your worship to Him.
- As you come to gather with others in worship, determine that you’re going to praise the Lord with ALL YOUR BEING!
worship song
Raise a hallelujah