During our final season of prayer and fasting this year, we focused again on our 2023 Vision, Radical Discipleship. This autumn, we’ve been studying the wonderful letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, which gets right to the heart of what it means to be a Christian, or as the gospels put it, what it means to be a RADICAL DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ. Paul went from being someone who persecuted the early church to someone willing to be persecuted for the church, and who eventually gave his life for the sake of the gospel. He truly was an amazing example of a radical disciple!
If you haven't already, why not take some time to read the whole of Philippians. As the great theologian N.T. Wright writes, ‘Get used to inhabiting this letter and let it inhabit you because what Paul wants his hearers to do in this letter is to learn to think differently, to think in the Messianic way, in the Jesus way. There is a great deal in this letter about a whole new way to think: to think wisely, to think discerningly, about God, about Jesus, and about yourself.’
Now, there’s a challenge!
Karen Smith
Co-Senior Pastor