Freedom Days

We are passionate about helping you experience more of God’s freedom in your life and Freedom Days at KingsGate play an important role in supporting you on your discipleship journey.

Sometimes the stresses of life and our past experiences can weigh us, down but God wants us to live in increasing measures of freedom. To help each and every one of us increasingly live in freedom, we have developed two Freedom Days: Finding Freedom Day and Walking in Freedom Day. Each is designed to help you experience transformation and healing at various stages on your journey.

what can i expect at a freedom day?

We begin each Freedom Day by welcoming the presence of God through worship and prayer, followed by teaching sessions on a range of topics relating to freedom. As well as having the opportunity to connect with others attending, you will be able to receive personalised, individual prayer ministry from one of our specialist Ministry Team at various points throughout the day.

Which freedom day is right for me?

Finding Freedom Day

Who is the Finding Freedom Day for?

Everyone who considers KingsGate their home church and has completed the Knowing God and Living in Freedom modules of Next Steps. Whether you are new to faith or consider yourself a mature Christian, this is your starting place if you have never attended a Freedom Day at KingsGate before.

If you have previously attended a Freedom Day at KingsGate and would like to join again, you are very welcome to. Our Finding Freedom Day is not intended to be a one-off event, but rather it is something you can enjoy as many times as you like.

 When is the next Finding Freedom Day?
Saturday 23 November

 Where is it?
KingsGate Peterborough, 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, PE1 4YT

 How can I register?
If you would like to join us for the next Finding Freedom Day, please register here:


Walking in Freedom Day

Who is it for?
If you have attended a Freedom Day at KingsGate before and are a KingsGate Partner, or you are currently completing the Partnership Course at KingsGate, our Walking in Freedom Day is designed to help equip you to walk in increasing freedom continually.

This is an essential day for anyone who wants to lead within KingsGate.

 When is it?
Saturday 23 November

 Where is it?
KingsGate Peterborough, 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, PE1 4YT

 How can I register?
If you would like to join us for the next Walking in Freedom Day, please register here:



If you have any questions about Freedom Days at KingsGate, we are here to help. Please contact us on and include ‘Freedom Day’ in your subject line.