Roll a soldier/relay
Take turns to roll the dice and build your Roman Soldier. Use toys and items to dress one of you as you go!
1 – Helmet of Salvation
2 – Belt of truth
3 – Breastplate of righteousness
4 – Shield of Faith
5 – Sword of the spirit
6 – Shoes of good news

Dear God, I will put on your armour everyday, starting with this prayer today.
The belt of truth can always help me to speak the truth.
The breastplate of Righteousness can protect me from unrighteousness and help me to do what is right.
The Shield of Faith, helps me to have faith in You no matter what comes my way.
The Helmet of Salvation: Protects my mind from lies and helps me to think like You think, knowing I am yours.
The Sword of the Spirit, gives me Your Spirit to fight against evil.
Finally, I will put on my shoes, ready to share the good news about you, wherever you lead me.

Check out this YouTube playlist of worship songs!